Osteopathy is a based around touch, massage, stretching and manipulation to treat the muscles, bones, joints, ligaments and connective tissue that make up the musculo-skeletal system. Osteopathy is great for treating:
- Back pain/Neck Pain
- Back pain in pregnancy
- Muscle tears/overstrains
- Headaches
- Tension
- Postural problems
- Sports injuries
- Frozen shoulder
- Joint Pains/Sciatica
By using gentle stretching and testing, our osteopaths can assist with many different conditions. This is a highly skilled discipline, and our osteopaths are highly trained to use techniques such as HVT (an adjustment), Joint Mobilization and Balanced Ligamentous Tension.
Osteopathy is a great treatment for all ages. The Clinic's experienced staff are excellent at giving effective and relaxing work. Osteopathy has been shown by several large studies to greatly aid physiotherapy and many view it as an excellent complementary treatment. Osteopathy is particularly beneficial for the young and elderly as the relaxing process involves no invasive treatment or drugs.
One of our team of osteopaths-Kimberley, has also qualified in the use of acupuncture within Osteopathy. She does use some needling in her treatments but only with the patient's consent and when she feels it would be appropriate and of real benefit.
Cranial Osteopathy
Cranial osteopaths are trained to feel a very subtle, rhythmic shape change that is present throughout the head and body. This is known as the involuntary mechanism or the cranial rhythm. During cranial osteopathy these shapes are manipulated relaxing the patient and stimulating processes in the body.
We have seen a big rise in the number of parents seeking treatment for children with colic, crying, behavioural problems, and sleep difficulties. Many parents find cranial osteopathy of great benefit to special needs children. This practice is popular locally, with many parents swearing by it.
Canine Osteopathy
Some of the Clinics Osteopaths also specialise in canine osteopathy. This treatment seems to be very effective for dogs, with some owners reporting instant results including calmer behaviour and better rehabilitation from injury. Very much like infant cranial osteopathy, some owners report an instant behaviour change, with the pets benefiting from the relaxing and healing treatment. Many agility teams use this service regularly, including some Crufts winners.
Osteopaths: Imogen Hemingway, Rebecca Emerton & Chris Glover