Maple House Clinic

Imogen Hemingway

Maple House Clinic

COVID-19 Clinic Update - A Message from the Clinic Principal - Imogen Hemingway

We have adapted our workspace to conform with our governing bodies advice, government legislation and current scientific understanding. Our staff have made a huge and valiant effort to do so, being incredibly committed to looking after you.

We have re-opened with new timings and new guidelines for our staff and patients. Things look very different and we need to triage our patients via the phone before we book them in as currently we are limited to treatment time only.

Therefore, any new patient medical history information gathering will need to be carried out over the telephone in advance of your appointment.

Please be readily available on the evening prior to your scheduled appointment time as your practitioner will need to discuss your appointment.

Please ensure you notify our staff as to whether you are a new patient or the date of your last treatment with us when enquiring about an appointment.

P.P.E. will have to be worn by us and we are also asking patients to be prepared to wear masks as well - we supply them.

Please read the attached document to reassure you of our protocols and of what will happen if you are visiting us during this transition period.